Emergency Dentistry

Pursuing the Perfect Smile

Emergency Dentistry

Car accidents, assaults, and sports injuries are but a few of the common causes of trauma to the teeth. Regardless of how your injury may have occurred, rapid treatment is key to a favorable outcome, which is why we encourage you to contact our dental practice right away for an emergency evaluation.If you did lose a tooth or any portion of it, try to locate the pieces and bring them with you to your appointment. We will make every attempt to save the tooth through a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure.
Risks of Not Replacing a Missing Tooth: you can lose more than just your tooth
Having a gap in your smile because of a missing tooth can make anyone feel self-conscious. That is usually reason enough to seek cosmetic dentistry advice and care following trauma to your mouth. However, your future oral health may also be at stake. When you don’t replace a missing tooth, it can cause the remaining teeth to gradually shift to fill in the open position. This can cause issues such as bite misalignment, jaw pain, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) and headaches. It can also cause increased wear and eventual breakage of existing dental restorations.
Dr. Stephen Petinge, DMD. Stephen Petinge DMD. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Family Dentist, Dental Implants, TMJ/TMD, Emergency Dentistry, Crowns & Bridges, Teeth Whitening, Sleep Apnea Appliances, Sedation dentistry . Dentist in Saugus, MA 01906 Top-notch dentist in Saugus, MA 01906
Dr. Stephen Petinge, DMD. Stephen Petinge DMD. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Family Dentist, Dental Implants, TMJ/TMD, Emergency Dentistry, Crowns & Bridges, Teeth Whitening, Sleep Apnea Appliances, Sedation dentistry . Dentist in Saugus, MA 01906 Top-notch dentist in Saugus, MA 01906
Treatment Options

Fractured and chipped teeth are among the most common types of dental trauma. In this case, your dentist will first work to re-attach the piece of broken tooth. If that isn’t possible, you may be offered a tooth-colored filling. A dental cap is the most appropriate treatment when you have lost a significant portion of a tooth, which cannot be replaced. Root canal therapy is an option when the pulp of a tooth becomes exposed, or you sustain a deep fracture.

These are just some of the possible treatments following injury to your mouth. Your dentist will determine what is right for you following your evaluation.