Can a Dentist Help Cure My Bad Breath?

Pursuing the Perfect Smile

Can a Dentist Help Cure My Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be really embarrassing, especially if you’ve tried everything to get rid of it and nothing has worked. If you’re struggling with bad breath, the first step is to visit your dentist for a regular checkup and cleaning. With professional help, you’ll be able to identify what’s causing your bad breath, take care of the issue, and feel good again about your oral health.

How common is halitosis?

According to findings from 13 medical journals, halitosis is a widespread condition that affects approximately 31.8% of the population around the globe. The condition is more common in males (37%) than females (26.8%).

What causes halitosis?

Many people are unaware they have halitosis because they become accustomed to the scent of their own breath. While brushing and flossing regularly can help, it is difficult to keep your mouth odor-free. Smoking, dry mouth, and germs left behind in meal particles can cause bad breath. Poor hygiene might be the source of many oral problems, including gum disease, plaque, and periodontal disease.

What does it mean if you have bad breath all the time?

You might have gum disease if your breath smells bad and doesn’t go away. However, this isn’t always true because halitosis can also be a sign of other diseases. If you don’t take care of your teeth well, dental cleaning or periodontal surgery could help. But if you brush and floss regularly and still have bad breath, the problem might come from another illness in your body.

Maintain Fresh Breath

Bad breath is often caused by an underlying dental issue, which can be detected and treated during a regular checkup with your dentist.

Gum and periodontal disease can cause halitosis, so you’ll need to see a dentist remove any plaque buildup or germs that may have grown there. A specific antibacterial toothpaste or rinse provided by your dentist might help. If deep pockets form and the condition is severe enough, your dentist may recommend more extensive therapy. 

A dry mouth can also cause bad breath because saliva helps wash away food particles and bacteria. If you suffer from a dry mouth, your dentist may recommend sucking on sugar-free hard candy or chewing gum to help stimulate saliva production. You should also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Certain foods like garlic and onions can contribute to bad breath. If you eat these foods often, brush and floss thoroughly afterward. Tobacco products will also cause your breath to smell bad, so quitting smoking is the best way to freshen your breath and improve your overall health.

If you have chronic bad breath that doesn’t go away with brushing and flossing, make an appointment with your dentist. They will be able to determine the source of your foul breath and develop a plan to improve your smile.