Is vaping bad for my teeth?

Pursuing the Perfect Smile

Is vaping bad for my teeth?

The American public is just now becoming aware of the dangers of vaping. Vaping has resulted in several dozen fatalities, while thousands more have fallen ill with illnesses ranging from popcorn lungs and other lung diseases. But, how does vaping affect your oral health? In truth, it’s harmful to your teeth. Here are some of the potential problems caused by vaping.

Increased risk of gum disease

First, let’s start with the fact that e-cigarettes include nicotine. This is the same hazardous chemical found in conventional cigarettes, which causes similar health problems. Also, frequent vaping increases your risk of developing gum disease. Nicotine smoking causes swollen gums and irritation in addition to inflammation. You should be on the lookout for gum disease symptoms if you vape, such as:

  • Receding gum line
  • Loss of teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Bleeding or red gums
  • Consistent bad breath

Higher risk of receding gums

Is vaping harmful to my teeth? If you ignore how it influences your gums, it may impact your teeth. Nicotine restricts blood flow to your gums, making them weak and prone to bleeding. Because the gum tissue doesn’t get enough blood, the tissue won’t receive the nutrients and oxygen required for growth. It causes the gum tissue to shrink over time, resulting in a decline in the gum line. This can lead to greater tooth sensitivity and an increased chance of cavities.

Tooth damage

It’s also critical to consider how vaping affects one’s muscles. Many people grind their teeth as a result of the increased stimulation. Some people do it while asleep when they can’t help themselves. Nicotine use regularly only exacerbates the problem for folks with tooth-grinding issues. If you want to repair the damage, you may need a filling, crown, or implant.

Dry mouth and excessive bacteria

Vaping also reduces saliva production in your mouth. Saliva is crucial for good oral hygiene since it maintains your mouth moist and aids in swallowing, flavor, and chewing. When there isn’t enough saliva in your mouth, you get dry mouth. As a result, this provides the ideal breeding ground for germs and plaque, resulting in accumulation around your teeth.

Increased risk of cancer

Vaping products are often marketed as a less harmful option than smoking cigarettes, but they come with several risks, including an increased risk of mouth cancer. A study published by USC revealed that people who vape have the same oral cavity cancer development indicators as smokers. Let’s not even consider the numerous health problems you incur by smoking cigarettes, such as lung, bladder, and mouth cancers.

Schedule your next dental appointment immediately

Although there is still much to learn about the impact on oral health, many studies have already been done. Scientists are just getting started with their research into the effects of vaping on the human body. Preliminary findings show that vaping may be as dangerous to your health as smoking. It might even be more harmful than smoking.

Even if you don’t vape, ensuring good dental health for yourself and your family members is a must. Dental checkups and cleanings should be scheduled regularly to maintain excellent oral health.

Contact us today if you have any questions or concerns or would like a free evaluation.